I have a mad passion for ribbon. I think I should buy a crate of black grosgrain ribbon now to have on hand over the next 40 years or so. I’ve trimmed my entry walls, my living room curtains and a few tablecloths with black ribbon over the last few years. Too much? Well, I don’t think so, yet, but it might be time to hold up.
Mrs. Blandings’s entry hall. Why no trim above the wainscoting? Did I mention my three boys? Pick, pick, pick.
Ribbon is a great, inexpensive trim. I buy mine at the Dime Store, a Kansas City tradition, Michael’s, Hyman Hendler and Sons and M and J Trimmings. Here are a few great examples of ribbon as trim:
These cloths, from the Neiman-Marcus catalogue in ’04, would be so easy to replicate. The contrast stitching is so snappy.
Heidi Friedler’s New Orleans home in Southern Accents.
This room is so fresh; does it owe it’s charm to the ribbon detailing on the sofa pillow? Partly so, I think.
Osborne and Little ad circa 1998.
The pleated trim on this pillow is a nice accent, but can be a head ache for your workroom and costly for you. M and J offers a pleated ribbon trim that is available in grosgrain, velvet and satin.
Post script: In looking through the September issue of Domino tonight, Cynthia King reports New York designer Markham Roberts is a fan of M and J’s grosgrain ribbon as well. We are so simpatico! But then again, Roberts is a Midwestern boy himself.

SHUT IT! I thought I was the only obsessive ribbon freak. Do you ever get it on ebay? I bought a weird odd lot of vintage ribbon on ebay a few months ago… the texture is sort of stiff, like it’s been getting stale in some grandma’s basement for 40 years, but the colors are just this yum muted palate… and I am not really a color person (I don’t really get it and I am not good at it… my fiance has to choose wall color here, believe it or not).. anyway, the colors as a whole were like a TIME MACHINE… they just screemed circa 1958.
Anyway. I love this post, because I am obsessed with ribbon. Every Christmas gift gets real ribbon, not that paper or plastic crao people buy at the supermarket or Hallmark. And certain ribbon, like vintage oyster-colored 3″ ribbon goes to just the people I love the most. I know they don’t know when/where/how I got it, but I sincerely think they can feel the love when they touch real fabric and know that I wrapped their gift with love.
Ah. Ribbon. How I love thee.
PS – MJ trimming is the bomb. Whenever I am at market in NY for my job, I stop there between appts.
Love your blog, girl. Thanks for letting me vomit my ribbon love. You have used it in a really imaginative way.
Great post! I LOVE M&J! And what’s nice is that ribbon (for the most part) is easy to work with, so you could add a ribbon trim fairly easily.
Decorno – clearly, we are soul mates. I have not done any ribbon shopping on ebay – but now I must. I, too, only use fabric ribbon on gifts – even for my children’s friends. My in-laws think I’m crazy. I love you blog as well – I’m stopping by everyday.
Peak – I agree, lampshades may be next. Stay tuned.
Your entry is so Suzanne Rheinstein!! Love it.
I also buy from M & J, and I really liked seeing Heidi Friedler’s home in Southern Accents 🙂
Courtney – that is so flattering! Yes, Friedler’s home is amazing – I adore almost everything about that room, but especially the timelessness of the interiors with that great art.
If you love ribbons and trimmings you MUST look up V.V. Rouleaux in Sloane Square in London. Here’s a post I did earlier this year about them: http://pigtown-design.blogspot.com/2007/01/ribbons-bows.html
Love the new blog… I wondered when you’d start. THanks for the comments on my office… i just got a great vase and some hydrangea, and when i fill it a bit more i will post pix.
Fairfax – Thanks for the new resource and the kind words – this is generating good karma as I am getting back great resources – always a treat.
Great news, I thought I heard the dime store had closed. I used to go there with my Auntie Teetee when I was little, I’m so happy it is still around. Can you answer a KC question? What is the name of the children’s store that was on Rainbow, north of SM Pkwy? Thank you! And I love your blog, love checking in on KC.
Ally – you heard right – The Dime Store did close, but Fifi (Bliss) Weideman remodeled and re-opened it about four months ago. Don’t fret – the remodel was all for the best; and the floors are still fabulously creeky. How lucky you are to have an Auntie TeeTee – I can’t imagine anything better.
The store on Rainbow is “The Little House”, however, it is now in Crestwood (the old Sebree center at 55th and Brookside Blvd.) They have new owners, but the concept is the same and absolutely adorable. The whole block is truly a great destination.
I love the trim you added to your entry way. I may need to copy that one…
Brilliant – thank you, it was so easy to do – I used fabric glue (Fabric tac, I think.) I did order the ribbon from Hyman Hendler so it came in one long piece – no over lapping that way. Good luck!
Another wonderful and original post! The Heidi Friedler room is beautiful.
Another ribbon ho in Kansas City! That’s one of my weaknesses. Thanks for showing ways to use it and for the sources.
I love the online site of Nicholas Kniel in Atlanta (also has a book on ribbon flowers and another ribbon book coming out in October, ’08), Soutache in Chicago (Bucktown – Marli is so sweet and creative, and sat my husband down to read her copies of Selvedge while I fingered and bought ribbon – we now subscribe to the magazine), and Florilegium in Parkville (Maili kept asking me about the ribbon store in KC – like I’d miss a ribbon store here – and finally called one of her reps who said it was in Parkville). There is also a florist in Chicago near Old Town, I think, that has a fabulous ribbon department in the basement. My easy stop is Curious sofa to buy yards and yards of the hand dyed silk ribbon.