I know many of you have been reading your latest issue of Domino cover to cover. Ok, me, too. I just happened to notice on the last page the ten things that make Roopal Patel happy. There is a very dear paper mache zebra head at Bergdorf’s, where Ms. Patel works, for $2,250. Now, I’m not criticizing Ms. Patel or Bergdorf’s, but get a load of this.
Some of you may be familiar with Olivia – a bit of a prima donna piglet who is dear to many readers young and old. You can find her a lot of places, but one of the best is the Reading Reptile in Brookside, walking distance from the Blandings.
Debbie opened The Reading Reptile in 1988 and Pete soon joined her in the business. It is a most fabulous place to go to find just about any children’s book worth reading. It doesn’t have that Mary Poppins feeling of Meg Ryan’s bookstore in You’ve Got Mail, but the knowledge and intelligence of the owners are the same.
Anyway, Debbie and her children (whom she home/shop-schools) make these amazing – and I’m not kidding – paper mache sculpture that adorn the store. And they are quite unbelievable.
Characters from My Father’s Dragon which is a “must read” according to my 7 and 10 year old boys.
A fuzzy shot from Where the Wild Things Are.
Growing up in Tulsa I went to Lewis Meyer’s children’s bookstore and thought it was wonderland. A book store for only children. They are fewer and farther between and when they spark the imagination like this – may be better than Bergdorf’s.
post script – forgive the lack of linking on the books – Pete and Debbie would kill me for linking to you-know-who.

Adore papier mache and have loved doing that with my children over the years. Halloween is right around the corner and the creative mind is inspired to do papier mache heads!
Thanks for sharing those fabuous papier mache
story-book characters!
Oliva is one of my favorites!
pve – Halloween would be a fun time to do paper mache – and we could still do it outside. I’m not as relaxed as business-owning, home-schooling Debbie.
a. – yes, at times Olivia reminds me a little of someone…hmmmm…prima donna. Me?
I’ve seen the paper mache animal heads in person at Bergdorf’s. They’re charming yes, but I can’t justify the prices!
Peak – truly, this is one of those things that I do think you could do yourself. Messy, but fun.
My Father’s Dragon is a wonderful series!