Custom image courtesy of pve design.

Oh, and then, well, one thing you need to know about me is, well, I have a bit of a problem with jewelry. I don’t buy that often, you know, because the children need things like clothes and shoes and books and braces. But, like going to a museum, sometimes I just need to go see some things. Maybe try them on. But I can quit anytime. So, there will also be stops at Faraone Mennella –
Ted Muehling for the candlesticks (available in bronze and silver – gorgeous in both)
oh, and his jewelry as well –
Here is Isabel Toledo being fabulous in House and Garden. Love the earrings.
And Tiffany. We actually have one in Kansas City, but they don’t carry the Sugar Stack rings.
Glorious combination of precious materials in a Cracker Jack design. Can’t you just feel them sliding on to your finger? Anyone else getting the shakes?
And, last, but certainly not least,
Chanel Fine Jewelry. These Profil de Camelia hoops are just the kind of everyday indulgence that makes oh-so-much-sense.
But the real reason for the post, other than getting to thumb through my jewelry folder, is to ask your advice. Where else, gentle reader? Any thoughts?
I put this HG image in because it’s oh-so-pretty. Who wouldn’t want a vanity that looked like this?

I love all of the above! Have a great trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it when you return!
Thank-you for posting my illustration of you- traveling to NY!
Now, about the jewelry, Ted Meuhling earrings are modern and like little works of art. The Chanel hoops are classic and chic. Think of it as building your collection and an investment!
a. – thanks, I’m hoping to post from there – you will know how much sleep I’m getting by seeing whether I do or not!
pve – I saw Madonna on Oprah several years ago and she was talking about the feeling she gets when designers send over clothes. She did describe it as a bit of an addiction – she said she would actually break out in a bit of a sweat as she entered the room. I get a bit that way about jewelry. I truly cannot wait to see these pieces. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll come home with one.
Really enjoy your posts. Visit the Frick Collection in NYC if you have time for a museum–wonderful art and spectacular interiors. I hear Charlotte Moss is wonderful.
Laura – thanks! And thank you for the reminder about the Frick – I have been there before and it is lovely. We will probably have time on Sunday for a museum or two – aren’t museums on Sunday just great?
Go to MISH on east 70th street. Beyond beautiful jewelry(Charlotte shops there too!)
Mrs. Blandings you’re coming to my town!!!! I absolutely *heart* New York, it is just full of visual eye candy.
The jewelry stores you have down pack so I wanted to share some of my favorite stores where you can find some awesome tabletop/home items:
1. ABC Carpet & Home –
888 Broadway at 19th Street (THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST)!
2. Ankasa – 225 West 39th Street.
3. Anthropologie – 50 Rockefeller Plaza.
4. Andrianna Shamaris – 121 Greene Street.
5. Michael Aram – 136 W 18th St.
6. Baccarat – 625 Madison Ave
7. Barney’s – 660 Madison Ave
8. Bergdorf Goodman – 754 Fifth Ave nr. 57th Street (GO STRAIGHT TO THE 7th FLOOR).
9. MoMa Store – 11 West 53 Street
10. Clio Home – 92 Thompson St.
11. John Derian – 6 east 2nd St.
12. Aero – 419 Broome St.
13. The Terence Conran Shop – 407 East 59th Street
14. Takasimaya – 693 Fifth Ave
15. Ralph Lauren – 888 Madison Avenue
16. Moss – 146 Green St at Houston
17. Karkula – 68 Gansevoort
18. La Cafetiere – 10 9th Ave.
19. Aero – 419 Broome St.
20. Calypso Home – 199 Lafayette
Enjoy NYC and let me know how everything goes.
p.s. love the illustration by Patricia
ABC Home is a wonderful place if you are interested in furniture, carpet, and accessories…many floors of wonderful goods.
Last year I read a book called Mrs. Bridge…I think she was from Kansas City…a story of a housewife from the 50s/60s…is your blog name an homage to this fascinating book?
anon – I have MISH in my folder! Thank you for letting me know it’s worth the trip – it’s now on my list.
Ms. Dennis – thank you, thank you for the wonderful list – I have printed it off and will study it closely. My husband is cringing as he reads it, I’m sure. I will keep you posted on where I went.
Ms. Jennings – thanks for the suggestion – I will stop at ABC – I can see it is the top of many lists.
Mrs. Bridge is a different character than Mrs. Blandings – Evan Connell (the author) is a Kansas City native. He wrote the book reflecting his conservative up-bringing in this, a quite conservative, town. I considered using “her” name, but felt she was not a very happy soul. While Mrs. Blandings is a New Yorker, I loved her spirit and sense that, with the right wall color, everything would turn out right.
As an aside, the movie, “Mr. and Mrs. Bridge” was filmed here in town, starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. It’s a lovely film – and the house where the “Bridges” live is equally lovely. It was made shortly after I finished college and there was a good bit of driving around to spy movie crews and stars.
As soon as I posted, I looked at your profile and saw the inspiration for your blog name, but I am glad I asked because I enjoyed reading the comments on Mrs. Bridge! I thought it was a very interesting book…yes, a commentary on a conservative life, but the emotions and feelings that she dealt with are what so many women face when their children are out of the house, and their pocketbooks are deep enough to buy even more leisure time. I have not seen the movie yet, but perhaps I will rent it this weekend!
Have a wonderful time. I love the black candlesticks and what a great shopping list by Sarah!
Patricia – yes the candlesticks – I can’t wait. They will top my Christmas list, I’m sure. And wasn’t Sarah so nice to compile her favorites?
Have a wonderful time. I am a former New Yorker and miss it terribly! I second the ABC suggestion, but my faves are the three B’s: Bergdorf’s, Bendel’s and Barney’s!! Oh, and I am dying to see the Poiret exhibit at the Met.
What a wonderful illustration! It’s what I wish I could do…
When you’re at John Derien, don’t forget to go a few doors away and see his other shop. One’s for the decoupage and the other is antiques and imports.
Another fave of mine in NYC is Peark River Mart on Broadway in Soho. It used to be a 2nd floor walk-up between sellers on Canal Street. They opened the new place a few years ago and it’s tons of fun. I buy silk brocade-covered notebooks for about $5.00.
Oh, my – I fear I need to be there a week! Thanks for the suggestions. Hoping for museums on Sunday – Poiret is a great recommendation.
Fairfax – thanks for the skinny on Derien and Pearl River – I’ve seen their stuff on-line – more fun in person, I’m sure.