So many of you have graciously asked about the welfare of the number one son. He is completely out of the woods, totally fine, except from some nasty bruising. Of course, he looks so much better than he did, we are now caught off-guard as we are out and about and strangers are asking us , “What happened?” Or, as our waiter said the other day, “What does she look like?”
I did want to show you the columns. And, yes, for days I bit my tongue (and so did he, by the way) and kept myself from asking why he didn’t roll off the sled. But then I did. He doesn’t remember most of it, but shook his head and told me it just happened so fast.
Anyway, being Kansas City, it’s amusing to tell the story and hear all the connections. “Verona Columns? My best friend grew up in that house.” “I got engaged there.” “We took our wedding pictures there.” And the Blandings boy, someday, will drive by with the yet unidentified sweetheart and say, “See that column? I got a concussion there when I was eleven.”
He doesn’t know yet that it was his first taste of how life can come rushing at you too quickly to respond, or how a community, real and virtual, will rally around you and hope that everything turns out alright. But I do. Thank you so much for your concern. Happy New Year!

Mrs. Blandings,
I’m so glad for the happy ending for your boy.
2007 was the year I discovered your wonderful blog – THANK YOU!
Bonne Annee to all!!!
You were so fortunate that things ended well. He even left the hospital so quickly! Again, I’m truly happy for you. (What a picturesque accident site BTW)
Cricket – thank you – we are oh-so-grateful. And 2007 was the year I discovered my blog, too! It has certainly been a year to remember.
Courtney – lucky, indeed. And, yes, we Blandings do try to do things in a stylish way – no creeks or concrete barriers for us!
Soooo glad he’s on the mend. If you’re going to have an accident, at least it’s a beautiful setting.
New to your blog. So glad to hear your son is going to be fine. All Mommies as well as NaNa’s (of which I am) hurt when a little one hurts… your blog
Happy Girl – thanks for stopping in. Mommies and Nanas (of which I had one) do have that overwhelming empathy don’t they? Fortunatly, he’s not the type to milk it. If he were, I’d be in big trouble.
I am glad you can all celebrate a happy and safe 2008. Yikes! Thanks for reminding us to count our blessings. I hope he feels better soon.
glad to hear he’s doing well and left with nothing more lasting than a story to tell.
and as usual, your visuals were enhanced by your incredibly elegant prose.
happy new year, yet again-
Oh my – I’m glad that everything is okay!
Wonderful – I love the thought of him with his fiance going back there. lovely. glad he’s all healed up and safe at home.