I did experience a little know-it-all teacher thrill when we did this last time. So, in the spirit of all mean teachers everywhere, I’m doing it again.
This should be so easy. It’s a total gimme.
As a reminder, first one to reply “wins,” but you don’t really get anything. A superior feeling the rest of the day. That should suffice.
I will post the answer this afternoon. I apologize in advance for any anxiety this might cause. I have to take Rosie the boxer pup to the allergist. For heaven’s sake.
No hints.
It is open book and you may talk amongst yourselves.
Back soon with a winner, the answer, updated photos, and hopefully, an un-itchy pup.

Mario Buatta?
early rheinstein?
David Anthony Easton?
Suzanne Rheinstein
Marion Himes Gomez?
So sorry about your pup… mine had a dry skin issue last summer and basically scratched his fur off his butt… sort of like a doggie brazilian. i know…ewwwwwww!
Charlotte Moss/Easton Moss & Co.?
At first glance I see glimmers of Paula Perlini, but the mirrors, wall goodies and accoutrement drip with EM & Co…..
Could I buy a vowel please?
Eureka, Mr. Hadley or early early subdued Buatta!
Mark Hampton?
I hate it, whoever it is.
Sister Parish.
Hi, Mrs. Blandings,
I read your blog regularly, but missed this post from October http://mrsblandings.blogspot.com/2007/10/grid-lock.html until I stumbled across it last night. I am renovating my house in Virginia and opted for black cladding on the outside of my new windows. I don’t know if this is risky, but I wanted something different. It’s good to know that someone out there likes black mullions, too. The windows are wood on the inside, and will be something other than white in some of the rooms.
Anyway, I enjoyed that post and wanted to let you know.
Kathleen – Your house sounds wonderful – I’d love to see an image! I’m still toying with painting mine – I’m a little chicken. I applaud your bravery!
Bunny Williams.
Wait, can I please change my answer to Suzanne Rheinstein?