Welcome to Mount Vernon. George Washington called his home “a well resorted tavern” because of its many visitors and guests. The image, above, is the Little Parlor and housed the harpsichord that Washington imported from London for his granddaughter. Is that rug looking a little Hicksian to you?
The pine-paneled study was finished with faux bois painting to make it appear richer.
The Lafayette Bedroom, so named for its frequent guest, is cloaked in a fabric by Brunschwig & Fil.
Quarters like this, on the third floor of the house, were used by family members when guests occupied their rooms. If I were staying at Mount Vernon, I would have let the grandchildren snuggle up in their own beds. I’d gladly take the upstairs room with the jazzy turquoise trim, black door and rush flooring.
In the image of the Little Parlor, you can glimpse the Large Dining Room, shown above. The room is grand and formal and clearly reflects the influence of Robert Adams. This is half of the view of this side of the room; a mirror image completes the picture. As an aside, every room in the first house that Mr. Blanding’s owned was painted this color. Except for the one with the knotty-pine paneling.
The West Parlor is the same Prussian Blue of Washington’s day.

The room reflects the 18th century fashion of arranging furniture around the perimeter of the room.

Speaking of “grand” children, I need to get mine out the door. They’ve been fluctuating between presidential pronouncements and complaints of their confinement all morning. I need to get a look at that Emancipation Proclamation.
All images House & Garden, August, 1985.

That Prussian Blue is just divine!
Just found you! Lovely.
Mount Vernon is an experience to be sure. The colours on the walls absolutely bang you in the eye, nothing here faded. The faux bois is everywhere! Even the out building were rich in details to enhance the visitor’s experience with the Presidential family.
We found ourselves there and wanted to stay a week! Instead we were politely asked to leave at closing, darn it all.
And as a side note, “Mr. B” is one of my all time favourite movies.
I do adore those colors. And the architecture.
My grandmother was such a Mt. Vernon fan. Even though she lived practically down the road, she got excited about visiting the way others get psyched to visit the Taj Mahal.
I agree…that Prussian blue IS divine! I wish I could live in such a stately home…sigh…
I love their freewheeling use of the many shades of blue and turquoise throughout this historic house!
What a perfect President’s Day post! The funny thing about Mount Vernon is that it actually doesn’t look that dated. Great design obviously stands the test of time!