This does not look like it could possibly be the beginning of a very good day, but in fact, it was. To begin, we had some lovely “new” friends to dinner Saturday, and despite the coq au vin being a bit purple (at first, by the time we served it, it seemed much better, and tasted devine) we had a wonderful time, so I already had a spring in my step.

Also, I had had a little retail therapy. There are upsides and downside to making friends with antique dealers. The upside is, they are usually happy to see you, fun to talk to, and, if you are lucky, they often have something really yummy you might need. Mr. Blandings might question the definition of “need,” but I think you know what I mean. The downside is, sometimes you drop in just to say “hi” and things happen. Perhaps you want to put something on the wish list for the next buying trip, and it turns out you are on a buying trip yourself. This happened to me at Suzanne Cooper’s on Saturday. I’d been eyeing these vintage jars for a while and she finally “gave” them to me. Sort of. But they are quite big, very heavy, and will be fabulous filled with holly or sunflowers, and absolutely glorious when the peonies bloom. Which may be never as it is a ridiculous 17 degrees here.

My subscription for
domino finally arrived. I not sure my pregnancies lasted longer, or ended with at much relief, as this process. I danced a jig at the mailbox.
And, the rug came. I have a wonderful receiving company that I use, and one of the nice things about them is they don’t balk when you say, “Um, I do have a couple of things that need to be moved.” and the things are a 200 pound desk and a 500 pound chest that you didn’t get around to emptying. Well, you saw the living room, it’s not like I didn’t do anything. And I Swiffered. And picked up no fewer than fifty Legos.
I have to say, I love it. I wanted to do wall-to-wall, but Mr. Blandings furrowed his brow, which means he’s highly concerned and I conceded. I still think I was right, because that is how I am, but I’m very happy with the results.

If you are wondering if he noticed, he did. He said it wasn’t the new-carpet smell that gave it away, but the first thing the boys said when they came home from school was, “What stinks?”

And darling Rosie. What a day. First she had to follow me back and forth through all the emptying out. Then meeting her new friends, the delivery guys, was very exciting. Then the following back and forth to put everything back. Days like that can really wear a girl out.

28 thoughts on “Oh, Happy Day!”