I’m originally from Tulsa, after a brief stint in Atlanta, and if you don’t think Tulsa is Southern, well, you’ve never been there. In personality and in climate, Tulsa has a Southern feel. When I was at KU, you could count on “home” being about ten degrees warmer than “school” at almost any time.
Kansas City is the Midwest. I adore it. It’s a lot like Tulsa. Except for the awful weather. OK, I might be a bit grouchy, as it is MARCH and it’s still freezing here and I received an e:mail alert Sunday night about a potential snow day on Monday. It didn’t happen, but the whole thing is making me a little bit mean.
And, we haven’t had a pop quiz in a while, so here we go. Since I am jonesing for the beach, I present you with a vintage designer number. The cool stone of the first floor would be heaven on your bare feet as you’re in from the beach. And the entry reminds me a bit of Hadley’s (last?) house in France.
Crisp, simple beach houses are heaven. But a touch of black never hurt anything.
Ah, the klismos inspired chair, happy to see you here in Florida.
One, two, three. Just what I need for those beach-weary, sun-kissed boys. Now cast your votes, I’ll be back today with a current layout from this designer.

Reminds me of early Diamond Baratta….could it be?
That bedroom does look perfect for the Blandings boys. I can’t venture a guess on this one.
My all time favorite beach house as done by Atlanta decoratorJackey Lamham! Love it! I can’t remember the date or the magazine (House Beautiful or House and Garden) but it is safely filed away with my favorite rooms. Thanks for the lovely post. I understand your chagrin with the weather. Bring on spring!
Marion in Kentucky
I have not a clue… but I’ll be checking back later to find out!!
A wild guess—could this be early Steven Gambrel?
Now I’m thinking maybe Jackye Lanham. If two guesses are permitted, I’ll add her to my original Steven Gambrel guess. If only one…not sure which one. Might stick w/Steven Gambrel…Query to self: Is first answer always best? This isn’t the SAT, yet…Can’t wait for correct answer, likely neither of my guesses is right…but this is really fun!
I guess Jackye Lanham.
I don’t think “jonesing” is a good word for you.
SHOOOT – hey no email for this post! no fair!!! and i would have won for sure!!!!!! gawd, I’m pissed off – I’m too competitive for this. I loved this house and still have tear sheets from it.