If you are entertaining this fall, or for the holidays, you would be crazy not to snap up this bamboo flatware from Target, $30ish for a 20-piece set. I spied it in the September issue of domino, but no signs on the Target site, yet. I have a bit of a do right around the corner.
Fingers crossed.

Between this fun flatware and the John Derian line coming out next week, I must get to Target!
Good Morning Mrs. Blandings,
I too loved the sight of that flatware. Not in person. I saw it a few weeks ago and the spoon like markings make it look quite awful.
Love your blog.
Mrs. Blandings,
I believe that the featured flatware is (luckily) available on the target website. Here's the url, but in case it doesn't work, go to target.com and type in flatware, and it should come up. I saw it in the same magazine and loved it.
I hope you've all adjusted to the new school routine!
Ah, Meg, if you were me, with boys going through pants like most folks go through tissues, you would have plenty of opportunity to cruise the aisles at Target!
Anon – so glad you let me know. Wondered about that “detail.” Thanks.
Jody – thanks for the linke – I’ll give it a shot!
This bamboo is everywhere now -i love it! I've had a great set for years from C&B. I didn't pay $20 though! nice price. Target has some great things coming out this fall -so exciting!
Glad someone looked in person, I was all set to buy…
Mrs. Blandings, keep finding and sharing, I’m moving my family cross country this month and am in desperate need of ideas, ideas, ideas. You are my favorite source!! Also, any readers aware of a talented interior designer in the Winter Park Florida area?
I too was hopeful that this might be a decent alternative to the discontinued TCO Bamboo flatware 🙁
Jennifer! Hooray! Glad to have you back in blogland. Hope the move went well. And, yes, bummer on the flatware; I had it earmarked for for big dinner party service, but, alas.
I think Maison 21 posted about this awhile back and I was seriously considering the purchase! Then someone commented about the C&B version….more expensive, but the handles look a bit flatter. I think they might be easier to hang on to without spinning in your grip. Now I am in a quandry! I am glad to hear anon's opinion…I think I may go for the C&B version. Love this look!
I got an e-mail from M21. He's having some neck & shoulder issues and isn't up to blogging right now… in case anyone missed him.
Meg – thanks for letting me know – I AM missing him. We will all hope he’s better soon.
Love your blog! I happened to get this very set at Marshall’s about a month ago, and the set for four was under $20. I love them cause I’m going tropical and these were a great touch!
i just checked these out yesterday. they’re actually really substantial.
Very nice. And as no one’s mentioned it so far, I love the punning headline.