Last year I put together a collection of vintage design books for the Dining by Design silent auction. This year I did not have as much luck on the hunt. I’ve been haunting Spivey’s, Prospero’s and the antique malls but nothing really great has jumped out at me. For the auction. I did pick up the Calder book, Dorothy Roger’s The House in My Head and Decoration for myself. I know. This seems mean spirited, but my library needs a little love, too.
Then, today, I asked. I asked the nice man behind the desk at Spivey’s if there just might be something that wasn’t out. “I just took Billy Baldwin Decorates up there yesterday.” “Really, I didn’t see it.” Back up. A few minutes later he appeared with the holy grail. “Oh, it needed a jacket cover; I still had it downstairs.” Do look for it at the event; it comes with a Blandings bonus. I’m still on the hunt for a dress.
By the way, Decoration, a 1963 publication work by French & European Publications, Inc., is one of the most engaging and comprehensive books on interiors that I have run across. I’d love to know if you have it in your library. It was originally recommended to me by Kansas City designer Kathy Kelly. I’m incredibly grateful that she shared her knowledge.

Mrs. B — pls don’t forget ebay. I’ve grabbed vintage decor treasure books there for an absolute S-T-E-A-L.
I have several copies of “Decoration” and love, love, love it.
Glad to see that you are better. You’re not mean-spirited–just addicted to design (like the rest of us). Thanks for the “heads-up” regarding the Billy Baldwin book.
I grabbed Billy’s book last year for $2.00 at a library sale of old books. What a steal!!
Holly – I must say, I do forget ebay – I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks for the heads up.
Aesthete – why am I not surprised?
jones – much better today, thanks!
Dianne – I’ve had some finds like that – isn’t it fun?
My library is soooo sadly lacking in BB books. I think I am finally going to have to stop the hunt and just buy them.
The most wonderful vintage book just arrived in the mail, and not a clue as to who sent it, was it you?
Mrs B I cannot think of a better offering for this very special event!Aesthete, do you want to share?
I loved House In My Head!!
And now I am off to find ‘Decoration’! Thank you for the recommendation.
What a great combination of books!
My husband has remarked more than once, “That a book in your hand is never wasted.” I am sure that Mr. Blandings would say the same.
THe Decoration series is a French series that was published in France and the US. There are 4 in the series known by the number of asterisks on the spine. 1 and 2 are interior design photos,number 3 is vacations homes, and 4 is gardens. #3 is IMPOSSIBLE to get and really great-most modern material-and was only published in France in a very limited number. It took me 16 years to find mine!
Meg! I wish I’d known and I would have kept this one for you. Darn.
Patricia – how I wish it were! What a terrific surprise and intriguing mystery.
home before dark – I think you are right.
Larry – that is great information – thanks for letting me know. Coincidentally, I found the first first. Now to hunt for the rest.
Patricia- I just got my hands on a copy of Decoration #2 that belonged to Parish-Hadley. It’s a fantastic book!! Can’t wait to hear what #1 is like.
no fair! I want that Baldwin book!!! lucky person who gets it. sometimes has great finds too (and, for a little extra shipping, you can find them anywhere in the world!). I’ve gotten some really beautiful (and rare) books there at decent prices.