When I posed my questions to fellow bloggers one of the phrases I used was, “What is your ‘Money Room?’ I was referring to a room that Albert Hadley created for Mrs. Vincent Astor, a room she intended to use to give away her late husband’s money.

Jennifer Boles of The Peak of Chic and contributing editor to House Beautiful defined her picks by entire homes rather than rooms. “In terms of money rooms, I have three money homes, all belonging to designers who I admire greatly.

Ruthie is the 21st century version of Sister Parish, Eleanor McMillen Brown, and Ruby Ross Wood all rolled into one.

Miles Redd’s home- Can’t narrow down a room, but I do think Miles is the Billy Baldwin of our generation.

It’s all about unabashed glamour, something which we’ve gotten away from over the last few decades (in my opinion). It’s proper, civilized glamour, not tacky glamour. And what’s wrong with a little glamour in our lives???

And, Bunny Williams’ Connecticut home featured in “An Affair with a House.” There’s a reason this book is in its tenth printing.
She showed us that traditional can be fun, young, and hip by adding bold colors and great graphic prints. It’s great American design- comfortable, classic, and exuberant.

Miles Redd’s home- Can’t narrow down a room, but I do think Miles is the Billy Baldwin of our generation.

It’s all about unabashed glamour, something which we’ve gotten away from over the last few decades (in my opinion). It’s proper, civilized glamour, not tacky glamour. And what’s wrong with a little glamour in our lives???

And, Bunny Williams’ Connecticut home featured in “An Affair with a House.” There’s a reason this book is in its tenth printing.
Yes, the home is gorgeous, inviting, comfortable. But she also showed us that a house is something which we should nurture – and something that can nurture us in return. Bunny’s home is a money home, so to speak, because it showed us how to live with joy and grace. It goes beyond the home’s design.”
All Sommers’ images domino, Spring/Summer 2005; Miles Redd images from So Chic and Bunny Williams images from her book, An Affair with a House.

Well, I guess I’m stating the obvious by saying I love your picks! We are all still talking about Ruthie’s house. Oh that kitchen! That sofa!
What great picks. I still remember that incredible Ruthie Sommer’s home. Yes, you are so right about glamour….Have a look if you like, I did a whole post a couple of days ago …Check under the month of May 2009: On glamour!
beatiful just like your blog.
What a great series Patricia! I am on board with all of the picks so far. Thanks!
i love you Mrs. Blandings, but can I just put in a plea that you are a little more specific in titling/explaining your images. By positioning the words squarely between two pix it can sometimes be confusing what relates to what. Maybe I oughta know but I can't always guess.
"It's all about unabashed glamour, something which we've gotten away from over the last few decades (in my opinion). It's proper, civilized glamour, not tacky glamour. And what's wrong with a little glamour in our lives???
… because it showed us how to live with joy and grace. It goes beyond the home's design."
There's the rub. Huzzah! to Peak for pointing it out.
wow, wonderful post.
and i am with you all the way !
Just ahhh!
What is so great about these spaces is COLOR~finally people are loving the use of it again, it seem for almost three years that all anyone wanted was white and shades of the same, although it is beautiful and simple with vanilla latte white everywhere~ I just love the deep tourmaline color of that settee…Laura Green Thome