For those of you who are new, or newish, to Mrs. Blandings every now and again I spring a pop quiz.

Culled from a burgeoning file of vintage tear sheets are images that I put up on the screen then give you half a day or so to guess the designer.

Eventually I will be back to let you know if anyone has guessed it and if not I’ll offer up the answer.

This may be more obvious than I think.

thomas o'brien
This is Tom ford's apartment !!
I shall guess Tom Ford a la Gucci heyday. la
Mrs B:
Your post is brilliant.
It almost does not matter who the designer is–these rooms are so original, so heartening, so soulful, and so chic, in a relaxed way. There are a million lessons for a designer to learn.
Have a great quiz…and in the meantime, love the images.
What is the deal with spines in? I first saw that at Nell Hills and then it is now in magazines?
As to the designer, I haven't a clue but then I'm not that designer savy.
I'm going to go with Peter Marino. It looks like Giancarlo Giametti's Jack Russell.
Tom Ford's apartment in London, if I recall.
That bookcase looks a lot like my bookcase in my office…..I will now stop doing guilt on myself for having a mess! I love the room with the French marble fireplace.
David Hicks?
And can I just say, as an avid book reader, I think the spines-in way of displaying books is dumb. How do you find anything you're looking for without pulling out all of the books?
Vincent Wolfe?
I just discovered your blog. Beautiful and inspiring. And funny.
I read somewhere, that spines go in after you've read the book. Kind of brilliant, I think, no more going through every book on the shelf to find what's next.
i'm sure i could google it,
but i just want to say
it'd be where bill blass lived, if he still did.
i used to love looking at pictures of his rooms.
this reminds me of him.
Ron Radziner