The boys started school yesterday. A friend snapped a picture of me and Mr. B in the parking lot. I’m foolishly grinning from ear to ear; you’d think I’d just received a reprieve from an undeserved prison sentence.
What to do, what to do, what to do? So much time. So much quiet.
I did have an article to finish, but I wrapped that up by lunch.

Like a moth to a flame I headed to the shops at State Line. To see my friends. I’d like for you to meet them – aubusson cartoons in the window at Christopher Filley’s. The colors are startlingly vivid. And there are more coming from the framer soon.
You can reach Christopher at 816/668-9974.

I've never stopped at Christopher's, but I think I need to see those cartoons in person.
Did you stop in and see Joanna? I'm still dreaming of a blue Murano lamp she had last time.
I love these aubusson cartoons !!!I can imagine an all wall full of aubusson cartoons, it would look fantastic
Ha! I didn't realize you meant YOUR Back To School Shopping! I love the colors in these pieces.
Oh, my gosh, David, you must! And, yes, I was in Joanna's yesterday. Not sure if it is good news or bad news – the lamp is still there.
Melanie – I was thinking the same thing.
Kathy – I did plenty for the boys as well. The glass is tempering the colors even – they are amazing.
We were there yesterday . . . . and I DID buy a lamp at Morning Glory!
I woke up this morning, looked at a few very favorite blogs while having my morning coffee. Little did I know that my world would be rocked…I now have the image of the lovely Aubusson cartoons in my head. Oh dear, they are pretty swell. What will I do for the rest of the day but think of them.
These are beautiful, and I'm sure even more so without the window glare! Will stop in on Friday…
I bet you thought that this day would never come: In june one is so happy for the change of pace; but by the end of August, you wonder if you were crazy. Happy shopping and blogging–love it.
Mrs B. I kept looking for the ear to ear photo- maybe you reflected in the window-enjoy your freedom jailbird! la
Too cool for school! Our school calendars are based on the century's old agrarian need for children to help on the farm. As a young idealistic teacher I used to advocate for year-round schools. Still like the idea. File that under "good ideas that will never happen." Welcome back from your tour of duty!
I think we have to switch places some day!
I do the shopping in your area and you go shopping in mine?
Is that ok?
What stunning cartoons! I might just need to give Christopher a call.
I like this kind of "Back to School" shopping!
Totally gorgeous! I think it would be entirely appropriate to look on these as part of the Kansas City Recognition & Reward Programme for Mother's Who've Survived Another School Vacation. I've checked Patricia, you have enough points to redeeem them. Enjoy.
Millie ^_^
Mrs. E. started back this week — teachers only, no students yet — and the children will begin next week.
It will be strange, and I'm hoping the sudden silence will allow for more focus and routine. Things I crave.
On the downside is that little buzz in my brain that says "win the lottery, chuck it all, and decamp for the Continent with the family in tow." It's nice to be that wrapped up in us.
11 more days and then normal will soon be overrated and I will be wishing they were home to cause mayhem and mischief.
enjoy your mischief…
In a mere 4 days we will be moving to our new (first!) house a mere one block from the State Line shops.The minute everything is put away I'm hightailing it down there!