There are a few additions to the dream house. Mr. Blandings’s Father’s Day present came back from the finisher. I’d completed it in plenty of time but drove around with the canvas, pillow and fabric for weeks before I made it to the shop. Mr. B is the fourth Blandings with the same name, not my fourth in any way.
The dusty tarnished jumble in the office continues to acquire some stuff.
The spider, which will occasionally be jewelry, but mostly decoration.
And the malachite box. Both pieces from the Rock Shop. I’d really like the boys’ quartz pieces here, too, but 1, 2 and 3 are quite firm that their treasures remain in their own rooms. A little stingy considering I gave them life and all, but I let it go.
And, Mr. Blandings surprised me with Girl with Purse by Tom Corbin for my birthday. I’ve wanted her for a long time. My youngest said, “I think she’s waiting for the bus.” She’s wearing a strapless dress, so I don’t think she is waiting for the bus. But I agree that she is waiting for something.

OK, I knew I liked your style. I LOVE Tom Corbin's work! So glad Mr. B sprung for a treat for you…maybe Mr. S will take note.
Looking good, Mrs B. I love the pillow work and by the way- the hunting equestrian pieces are so good looking. I like the spider (sat down beside her) & don't children say the most adorable things!(I personally think the boys say the mostest adorablest!) Tickled to see you back, Mrs Blandings. G
I love Tom Corbin's work — a great birthday present!
Glad you're back from vacation!
Well done translating your husband and his antecedents so lovingly into that marvellous pillow.
She is accepting an award for her recently published book and she is indeed wearing a black strapless dress and her bag is a lovely shade of turk. blue.
Her hair is swept back and her heart is heavenly.
That is what I see.
Kids – you need to finesse your guilt trip on giving birth to include the hours of labor you were in. That's how I do it. Of course, they still walk away shaking their heads at 19 and 22, but I get mine in! I love your "Girl with Purse" and the "4" pillow.
I'm having so much fun pouring over all the details here. Such soul in this room. I noticed the elephants, the pillow looks great and love the malachite box. So glad you have the sculpture, too. Happy birthday!
I adore your Corbin piece. She reminds me of Holly Go-lightly. So sweet what your child said!!
Love your tableau Patricia- and I love that it just happened. Nothing contrived. The pillow is just wonderful!
I agree with everything PVE said, but I think she has left enough time before the awards ceremony to pop into a little shop where there are a few things she's had her eye on. Inside the bag is a limitless VISA card. Hence the quiet dreamy, but with much anticipation, smile. And by the way, in a few years when those B boys are into girls, they won't even remember the quartz. A Mother's Revenge.
Your collection is growing and quite an assortment of admirable treasures here!
So glad you are back. The "girl" is lovely and so are your son's words. Indeed it could be a bus she is waiting for!!
So many gifts and treasures—and school starts really soon. Thanks for sharing.
I love your collections and the very lovely gift from Mr. Blandings. I also
believe congratulations are in order.
Just last night…I was reading either T&C or AD. you are a contributing editor and did a wonderful job-writing about your lovely city. Great job…
I love that room and all your treasures in it!
Lara – leave Corbin's website up on your screen and see what happens. Or say, "Oh! I love that," for 8 – 10 years. Eventually they take the hint.
la – thanks. Good to be back. Really good to have the boys back in school.
Martha – he did good, didn't he?
Rose – thanks – I have to be creative coming up with ideas to feed the stitching addiction.
Patricia – you are just the darn best. I do think her dress is black.
Kathy – I hadn't thought of the labor piece – I'll work that in next time.
Courtney – I thought of you when I brought home those elephants!
DT – he keeps me in stitches. Really.
Jennifer – thanks. I was stuff-free for a long time – I'm having fun finding little treasures.
HBD – that would be fun! And, believe me, I'll be waiting on the quartz.
I LOVE the pillow, what a wonderful gift. I can't seem to finish the needlepoint projects I start so I say brava to you.
Young ladies have taken to wearing strapless dresses to the office in NYC (eek!) so she may in fact…be waiting for a bus.
Love your lady…girl with purse, so special, fab gift…
Every day I enjoy my lady with the large butt statue thats on my desk, she followed me home a few years ago, at least that's what I told my husband, she just jumped into my purse for the ride home…