Gosh, I didn’t really think my binders would be all that interesting. Several people asked about the process, so here goes. I used these binders from ReBinder. They are recycled cardboard. I like the idea of them, but they don’t seem all that heavy. I’m a little worried about how they will hold up, but they were super cheap. And I was too lazy to look further or send them back.
All the paper I used was from Paper Source as I could pick it up in town. (See, again, lazy.) I cut the paper exactly the length of the binder; I did not wrap the paper around the top and bottom. I covered the spine and about two inches of the front and back cover. I was concerned (as was a commenter) about how the opening and closing of the binder would affect the paper, but it does not seem to be an issue. The paper does not gap or pull away.
I attached the paper with Spray Mount. Easy as pie. I did fold the paper around the spine of the binder before I sprayed the adhesive so I could set the binder down on the paper exactly where it needed to go then smoothed the paper up the sides.

We all need easy peasy projects for organization! The less cost the better these days!!
Oh! You wrapped the spines only. And said so in your original post. But someone wasn't paying attention. (me) I've been trying to figure out a way to entirely cover my binders but now I see that it's not necessary. And probably not a good idea anyway. Thanks for being so patient with this particular idiot 😉
Even though these are idiot proof they have endless posibilties! i love them. I think I may try to make some covered strictly with maps. Thanks for sharing!
Indeed – how kind of you to share your talents for ideas that we will all want to copy. I have those lucite magazine holders and they truly are the best.
As for the labels, I'd love a simple label, but I know you will come up with something fab, silver leafed and perhaps a spot of leopard or two on the spines.
Did you see the spice girls in the cabinet over at urban grace. I love those labels.
A much nicer look than the plastic Wal Mart things I have mine in in the cabinet in the guest room. I arrange mine by topic — and they're all in those little plastic sleeves — I must have a million of those!
Just wait til the boys start driving–that will replace the binders' keeping you up at night. But I do love the binder idea–they look fantastic. Be well.
How about these?
I have my own set of categories for filing my books. Some of them are–
Color Schemes
Exterior Architecture
Interior Architecture
Textile and Wallpaper Patterns
Art Deco, Nouveau, etc.
It helps me to find what I want for a project or just a browse for inspiration, and I suppose that is key–to organize it to your best advantage. My books are plain white big binders from Staples. Not as fun as yours. 🙂
I say leave them by subject and get some sleep…
Love this idea; Mrs. B…… I am putting this on the list for my design files!
Thanks for the info and the tip!
Happy organizing,
I arrange mine by date of being 'pulled' so that I can see how my tastes progress. After a few years this gets really interesting! Also, I'm lazy and it's just easiest to stick them in the plastic sleeves as I pull them out of magazines -haha. I realize this isn't the most useful though when going back to look for inspiration.
Thanks for the how-to!
Great idea!! As I am starting to put together clients,
story boards in this form for office use only.
Dear Mrs. B–
Just a quick thought on organizing your clippings: HOW YOU WILL THINK TO ACCESS THEM LATER? Will you first think of the subject matter? Will you remember which designer did the project? The best way to file or store things is to consider how your brain will recall the information. We're all wired differently! What works for me is to put like things together…an elementary rule of organizing. Good luck!
Jan Jessup, Calico Corners
I can never figure that out either. Inevitabley, half the tear sheets contain several things 1) a wall color I love 2) an easy project I could do now 3)a pillow/thing I want to pick up at Home Goods or a thrift store 4) something on the wall 5) a color scheme I want to do in my next place or 6) I just love everything about it. Now how do I file one piece of paper that fits 6 needs? If you sort it out, please let me know!
Brilliant! And terribly pretty.
I am feeling inspired to organize my office! So pretty. You can get all sorts of adhesive labels at Paper Source in a myriad of colors, shapes and sizes. They have their templates online so printing is a breeze. Perhaps that would be an option with a great stamp to embellish? I'll be interested to hear how you organize…I go by type but maybe that isn't the best way? I am glad I stumbled on your blog.
Ooooh, this is a great project. LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing, Mrs. B.
OMG, it was just yesterday that I went through a bunch of my tear sheets and thought I really need to organize these better. Actually if I would just put them in the file it might help. I categorize by element, color, architecture, kitchen, etc. My big problem is the actual magazines that I can't part with. Southern Accents is one, thank goodness I saved those!!
Love your idea, Kathysue