Magazine holders ordered, check. Magazines sorted and culled, check. Books moved to accommodate aforementioned magazines and holders, check.
I moved all the design books to this side of the room as well so every little thing I need is right at my fingertips. I should mention that while the design books and magazines are in a specific order, the rest of the library is a jumble with classics, biography and mystery mixed together. This was not previously the case and that task now looms as Malcolm Gladwell becomes acquainted with Anne Tyler and Ian McEwan meets Elinor Lipman, perhaps for the first time. They are all making the best of it.
Naturally, I entered into the spine-covering with glee. Cutting and pasting complete, there they stand, six soldiers, spines ramrod straight, at the ready to guard the tear sheets. Empty. Mere shells. All dressed up like servicemen in a parade; they look good, but they are waiting to be put to use.
All paper from Paper Source.

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