As Mr. Blandings and I stand, arms crossed, discussing the virtues of hornbeams, I’ve turned to a familiar source for inspiration.
I’ve gathered a few magazines and a couple of books to help with the happy convergence of an increased interest in gardening and the time to indulge it.
Excellent. Another file full of tearsheets and sticky notes.
But there is another great way to find your muse. DIFFA’s Garden by Design is this weekend. The Kick-Off party is Friday night at the Kansas City Museum (DIFFA does know how to throw a party), the tour is Saturday and, as a bonus, local designer, John Rufenacht’s garden at “Evening Place,” his home in Clinton, Missouri, will be open on Sunday.
Details for the party, tour and tickets here.
All images from Kansas City Home Design, June 2010; photography by Jill Hunter.

May I have that little brick summer house? Please? Pretty Please?
There truly is nothing finer than gardening and then sitting back to enjoy a hard day's work in the "Good Earth."
I don't look that way when I garden either. I love that brick outbuilding with the cupola! Thanks for the inspiration.
That last image is fabulous! I want to garden like that,with my feetup and a nice chilled drink waiting for me!
Love that tasselled and overhung chair awning,just wonderful.
Thanks for that, when it gets icky and hot working in the garden I will think of that image!
Hornbeams. Think David Hicks. And also of John Fowler.
I used to garden–now the gardener comes and does most everything (my luxury in life)–but I still do my planted pots of trees, herbs, and seasonal flowers. An Aesthete's Lament, It is good to see you in print again.
how glamorous! very auntie mame…
Although this is my 9th year on the committee for DIFFA's Dining by Design San Francisco I did not know about DIFFA's Garden by Design. Thank you for letting us know. What a wonderful idea, and I can't wait to read your recap afterwards.
LOVE the last photo.
I'm gathering inspiration for my "dream makeover" backyard –and that canopied chair is just too cute! Can't see my Kansas guy sitting in it though!
every single one of these is sheer perfection, a sweet relief; thank God for your tearsheets and sticky notes, they are our salvation
I've gone hydrangea crazy. My inspiration was landscape architect's Ed Hollander's garden on Long Island. Also, my container garden is making me greedy! I keep adding more.
:sigh: I've been doing a lot of daydreaming lately about a backyard haven like these instead of the big flat lawn I have now.