I thought these were the last of a very bountiful season. I brought them all in together and reveled in the excess of having them in one container.
But then there were more. I feared they would succumb to rain, dropping their petals like confetti; they did not.
“Doesn’t that sort of look like a woman with crazy hair?” “Um. Sure, Mom.”
And more still. The last two bunches a pleasant pay off for the watering and weed pulling. During a particularly long weed harvest (that started as a casual pluck, coffee cup still in my left hand) I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why don’t rabbits eat weeds?” Then gardening would be nearly perfect.

Love these.
Dad always picks the first bloom of the season for Mom.
Which is a kinder gesture compared to when he replaced the boutonnière waiting for my prom date with one.
Like a girl needs that kind of panic just before pictures.
– MC
That casual pluck is why I'm avoiding the yard. I fear that I'll crouch down to pull something up and end up with a chainsaw in one hand and calling for a dumpster with the other.
Your peonies are beautiful, your house must smell wonderful.
Beautiful Beautiful Mrs. B.!
Peonies. Sigh.
The best cut flower ever.
Oh Patricia, I'm laughing with that rabbit comment. You are usually so serious, but when you're funny you are REALLY funny.
Love it. xx's
Oh! You have peonies in your garden- how lucky! But last of the season already?!
And I think it certainly looks like a lady with crazy hair- but perhaps it takes one to see one! 🙂
PS. Love the name of your blog
Excellent question. Our peonies are spent, I do miss them. Their bloom period here in the deep south (at least for the variety that we have) is very short! Hydrangea, gardenias are blooming like crazy!
There is just something so endearing about peonies. As a young girl we would cut for bouquets; shaking off the ants before bringing them inside!
Art by Karena
"a woman wearing a derby hat" or " a swim cap!"
your blossoms are indeed lovely – in a home of boys, blossoms sure are nice, right.
Good morning, Mrs. Blandings–
Your flowers look perfect in their
Kids say the darndest things!! LOL
The exuberant peony season is beautifully displayed here. I love your metaphor of dropping petals like confetti! Your post is well-written and well-illustrated!
I'd welcome a visit to my relatively new site: GraciousInteriors.blogspot.com
Beautiful. Love the containers and juxtaposition with the art.
Those are beautiful! Peonies do not grow easily in Georgia. I posted about my hydrangeas, today.
These are beautiful. One day, I will plant peonies. One day soon. Have a great week.
I think peonies are God's way of showing us what abundance is all about! They are just the most beautiful flower ever to my mind. Just wish I could grow them in the Texas heat. Thanks for sharing your pics so I can enjoy them too.
That's what I love about my peony bushes….when the bloom, they BLOOM! Mine have not finished….and the hydrangeas are starting to bloom. From one flower (and season) to another!
Beautiful! We all had peonies on the mind!
Eddie + Jaithan
that is an excellent question!! why don't they? they only eat tender sweet blossoms – must taste like cotton candy to a rabbit.
Those are beautiful. They were always my first major sign of summer, but were usually gone by Memorial Day. I'm happy that yours lasted this long.
Excellent question about rabbits and weeds. Maybe that's how a weed is designated – "something rabbits won't eat".
so gorgeous!! the last one especially… lucky lady! 🙂
Hope all's well with you!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful blooms! My favorite flower – ever. I miss them from my youth in KC, and they certainly wouldn't stand a chance in the heat of the desert, sigh…
It *does* look like a woman with crazy hair!!! Beautiful, fluffy, pink crazy hair at that!
Bunny tastebuds are to refined, I'm trying to talk my husband into hiring some goats to eat our weeds…four years worth!
They look gorgeous…I have done two posts of my own blooms and never tire of seeing all the other blogger's showing their beauties!
Oh, and I love that I am not alone with coffee mug in one hand and clippers in the other!!! Now do be sure to let us know if you figure out the weeds and rabbits!
Forgive me for getting back to comments so rarely – I am running boys to and fro. Thank you for the comments on the blooms; the hedge is old and all we do is sort of stay out of the way. I love the image of the swim cap – that seems quite perfect. As for the rabbits – not one weed even nibbled. Not one. Yet tulips gnawed off right under the flower, whole liriope mowed to the ground – but not one, many, but not consecutive. They are cute, but devilish. I imagine they giggle following their destruction.
Peonies are my favorite, so gorgeous and fragrant and so ephemeral.
Thank you for sharing your peonies with us! Don't you love their scent? It reminds me of rose glycerin.