The entire Dream House is looking a little tired. Five people, and especially the three ages 13 and under, take a toll. A severe toll. On upholstery especially. The sofa in the kitchen, which I adore, count on, recline on, has been recovered once already in seven years and it needs it again. A new pillow or two would help. So I turned my weary midwestern eyes west again and requested a couple of samples from Peter Dunham at Hollywood at Home (including Kashmir Paisley, above.)
Peter Dunham, whom it was such a lovely treat to meet while I was in, yes, Los Angeles. The website basically said, “tick here” for cuttings and I was, well, anal and anxious and disbelieving. As it turns out, via post Dunham and Hollywood at Home took as careful care of me they did in person; my samples arrived without a hitch and are draped prettily here and there. (Lisa Fine’s turn at set dressing at Hollywood at Home, above.)
Speaking of children, thirteen and below or any variety, it can be tricky to find a way to decorate rooms that don’t consist of Pooh (whom I love to read, but not to see enjoying his honey pot on a border whilst tucking someone in) or fire trucks or Elmo (though I appreciate his joie de vivre.)
Enter Susanna Salk. Salk has edited Room for Children; Stylish Spaces for Sleep and Play, a stylish selection of rooms fit for baby, toddler, tween and teen at, yes, sleep, work and play. The images are wonderful and the rooms range from fantasy to full-on doable in a day.
Oh, the connection? Or have I let the out-of-school-what-can-you-do-for-me-now crowd damage my synapses permanently?
Nope. Susanna Salk will be at Hollywood at Home to sign copies of her book tomorrow, Thursday, from 4:30 – 7. Tea and cocktails (oh, for heaven’s sake, have a cocktail, why not?)
I wish I could be there myself. Inexplicably, the state with the most Mrs. Blandings’s readers is California. What in the world could be the appeal of this midwestern housewife to the hip and fab of the west coast? Not a clue, but I’m flattered beyond all belief.
Honestly, I have this book, think it is terrific and have a huge crush on Dunham. Go.
Images, top two, from Hollywood at Home. Next five images from Susanna Salk’s Room for Children; Stylish Spaces for Sleep and Play published by Rizzoli. Credits as follows: the yellow room which I would be happy to tuck myself into right now, designed by Maureen Footer, photographed by Daniel Efert; the following room, well, I can’t find a credit, but will get back to you; room with jazzy striped sofa designed by Eve Robinson; playroom photographed by Jean Rondazzo.

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