Peter Dunham celebrates the start of summer with this Lisa Fine designed room in his Hollywood at Home showroom. I’ve been wanting to paint a floor like that for ages.
Image via Hollywood at Home.

Peter Dunham celebrates the start of summer with this Lisa Fine designed room in his Hollywood at Home showroom. I’ve been wanting to paint a floor like that for ages.
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And Baroda is on the chairs!
What a fun room – those floors are quite a vision.
Pink and green– Yum! If you want practice you can come and paint my floor. 🙂
This is how I like pattern. Go big or go home.
Your dining room perhaps?
I need to do this on my porch or perhaps better yet, just hire you!
gorgeous! xo
its so hicks-esque! I love painted floors. They allow you to do simple furnishings and accent with floor color!
I see the floor is black and white…..
summer break??
Lots of free time ??
Ahhh come on now..
I'm smitten as well! You had me at the barstools.
the room is lovely, and the floor is divine! …although i do believe it's a rug -a very flat weave rug, almost the exact size of the room. So, call up mr. dunham; it could all be yours, in a matter of a fed ex!
Yes, the dining room floor, perhaps. And, Oliver, you are certainly right – a rug. Not sure pink and green is the palette for me, but good advice for readers.
wasn't this the same pattern as Mongiardino used on Lee Radziwill's MBR floors …in her Oxfordshire country house? Those were painted i believe.
O – worth a look – I'll see if I can hunt it up as I can't remember. Bilhuber's city place has a similar pattern in black, I think. I wanted to paint the floor of George Terbovich's antique shop like this – gray and white. I still think about it.