Here are the results of yesterday’s Eat Pray Love word association:
Aspen – Crisp
Atlanta – Reinvention
Austin – Hippie
Boston – History
Charlotte – Hot
Chicago – Neighborhood, Corrupt
Cleveland – Proud
Dallas – Manicured*
Ft. Scott – History
Geneva – Anomaly
Houston – Diversity
Indianapolis – Bland
Jacksonville – Comfort
Kansas City – Melange, Moribund, Home, Authenticity, Solid
Kentucky – Fried Chicken
Lawrence – Basketball, Hotmess
Little Rock – Natural
London – Eccentric
Maine – Lobster
New Orleans – Pleasure
New York – Go, Assertive
North Carolina
Marceline – Home
Minneapolis – Do
Minnesota – 6 mo. Vibrant/6 mo. Glacial
Paris – Grumpy
Philadelphia – Strive, Home
Pittsburgh – Ritual
Portland – Progressive
Queens – Hope
Rome – Passionate
Sacramento – Endearing
Salt Lake City – Industrious
San Francisco – Cool, Progressive, Weird, Self Righteous
Savanna – Yummy
Toronto – Self Conscious
Venice – Shimmer
Washington D.C. – Childish, Unimaginative, Ambition
* I’ve spent a good little bit of time in Dallas and this was a favorite.
Image from the movie Eat Pray Love; Production Design by Bill Groom with Set Decoration by Andrew Baseman, Raffaella Giovannetti and Letizia Santucci.

Sorry but the only one that drives me a bit nuts is Maine: lobster. Having lived here quite a while and being married to a very long generational Mainer, that sounds like an out-of-stater's observations and limit the beauty of this quiet state. Maybe Fresh? or Clean or Stable or "old school." But lobsters are just one many things Maine is noted for. The signs as you cross the border into Maine read "Maine the way life should be" and it's a mix of beautiful coast and woods, generally liberal politics, independent spirit and also large generational poverty. Like most places a mixed bag of tricks but certainly not just Lobster.
Wow, that was fun. Thank you for listing all of our comments. But my "Dallas" would have been different. In the 1960's I used to show cattle and horses. At that age, I was actually interested in the cowboys. I would have called Dallas "Boots and Saddles". Ann
Aha, you've sure got Toronto pegged!
Oh shoot! I'm a bit late to this but I have to represent Seattle.
Wired (both in the caffeinated & computerized sense)
Fun post!
These are fun! I've got one to add for Kansas City–"Philanthropic." There's a great philanthropic spirit in Kansas City, responsible for many of its best institutions.
Kansas City – Multifaceted
Now that was fun! Thank you for organizing the list. I especially like Dallas and Washington, DC. Spot on for both.
That was fun 🙂
To Sarah, please accept my apologies- I am guilty of throwing the "lobster" in the pot for Maine, and that is only because the plethora of words that come to mind for your magnificent state overwhelmed me. I love Maine and enjoy it's quiet, silent natural beauty.
Perhaps, marvelous or mystical would be a better word choice. I guess I was just finding humor in the one word of Lobster just as people think my old Kentucky home is, "fried chicken"- or horses and I know the state is rich with eloquence and southern sophistication.
Lincoln NE – plains
san sebastian ( had it been included )
would have been
mariner blue
and oh so chic
Sarah: none of us is happy to be reduced to a simplifistic one word association. I find my city's "self conscious" – not to mention Denise's peppy approval of it – to be unfair and petty. However, this is not my game so I smile and thank Mrs. Blandings for providing a wonderful blog where ideas, even those with which I disagree, flow freely.
St. Louis……Party!!!!!
Can't believe no one wrote anything about North carolina! I'd say: Friendly, Basketball
I wish I had been in on this! I will take "Endearing". Sacramento is certainly that.