If you have driven through western Kansas in the late summer you are familiar with the vibrant fields (and fields and fields) of sunflowers. Like me, they turn to hold their faces to the sun, though for the flower the results are prettier. Most things en masse give pause, and these tall and alert yellow blooms delight and overwhelm the senses at the same time. They are so yellow. There are so many.
These mirrors from Van Gregory & Norton gave me the same sort of happy thrill. Constructed of bamboo, wood and papier mache they are layered and layered and layered with gesso. (I’ve always been intrigued by gesso. I hate to get my hands messy, but that stuff seems like some good goop.) But wait, there’s more. Finishes galore. And all of this goes on at a studio in Brooklyn. Makes me want to send these guys a bouquet of sunflowers.

Those mirror are amazing. I am still trying to figure out how they are made. Have a wonderful week. Mary
Thanks, Mrs. B. These are so unique and a delightful alternative to the sunburst style mirror.
they look metal.really cool. sort of the poufy head dress but translated into a modern, utilitarian piece.
Those are outright fairytale wonderful.
Wow these are Gorgeous!
stunning, never seen like it before! truly gifted artists in a world of repeated artwork
Wonderful – I love these mirrors!
I like the mirrors but somehow it bothers me that they aren't "perfect". Maybe that's part of their beauty and handmade indiviuality.
When I enlarged the image I could see how intricate they are! Very intriguing…
Art by Karena