Back in 2007 when I read Eat Pray Love I did a post about one word associations with cities we know. At the time I wrote, “… one of the things that intrigued me (about the book) was a concept the author introduced in the “eat” section, while she was in Rome. Her friend tells her you cannot live in a city if you are not in sync with it’s “word.” He tells her that each city has one word that describes it. He claims Rome’s is the big s-e-x; she defines New York by ‘achieve.'”
With the release of the movie, and now that I have more than twelve readers, I thought it might be fun to play again. In 2007 I chose “tradition” for Kansas City; you can see other folks feedback here. I’ll post your words tomorrow.
Image from the movie Eat Pray Love; Production Design by Bill Groom with Set Decoration by Andrew Baseman, Raffaella Giovannetti and Letizia Santucci.

Philadelphia- strive and, if I may, Venice- shimmer
I think tradition is good for KC —
For my little town on the prairie — Fort Scott
I chose "History"
Here's one for my hometown:
Boston – History
Washington DC – childish or unimaginative
My natal city, Geneva – irenic anomaly
Austin — hippie
San Francisco — progressive
New York — assertive
London — eccentric
Paris — grumpy
— Your 13th reader
How about this for my hometown:
San francisco – Weird
I guess is could be a little more PC and say "Alternative"
I'm sure I'll think of one I like better at 3 am.
Is "self-conscious" one word or two? Regardless, it sums up Toronto.
Indianapolis – bland
I'm not trying to be negative, but I've been wanting someone to ask me this very question.
the whole place is just edible
From Lawrence, Kansas: couldn't decide whether it's basketball or hotmess (slight cheat, but here we always make up our own rules).
melange for Kansas City…
home for the little town of Marceline where I grew up.
Charleston (SC) – Hospitable
For my money – Kansas City = Home
My favorite Eat, Pray, Love item also!
Salt Lake City – industrious
Portland, OR – progressive
Philadelphia – History (although I really like Strive)….
I am fairly new to Minnesota–Winter of '08–but I honestly think that Minneapolis requires two words.
6 months – Vibrant
6 months – Glacial
washington dc — ambition
Sacramento (CA) – endearing
Cleveland: Proud; Clevelanders are always defending our city and we are proud of our city.
I second Boxwood for Boston: "History"
Kansas City = solid
As an Atlantan, I think that the person who came up with "reinvention" for Atlanta is spot on.
North Carolina- green
Boston – historic
From Lawrence, Kansas: basketball. Or hotmess (I know I'm cheating here. But we're kooky here and make our own rules).
New York was actually "ambition".
New Orleans is "pleasure".
Saw the movie last night, and liked it very much. It wasn't too long for me at all.
xo xo
Little Rock – "Natural"
Love the question posed, what brain exercise!
Kansas City=authenticity
Love this! Jacksonville – Comfort.
This is a wonderful fun idea! For Chicago I chose Neighborhood. And I think you are dead on with tradition, Kansas City still lives with me in that way. One more, for a place that used to feel like home, Aspen. Crisp.
My apologies for posting some of these so late – my day kind of got away from me. I'll post the whole list tomorrow.
Queens: hope. (I suppose it's not a city, but it has 2.3 million people from all over the world, so it gets its own word.)
San Francisco: self-righteous. (Sorry, I live here and love it here, but it's true. We are self-righteous!)
New York City=Go
Chicago – "corrupt"….ouch
Charlotte – "wannabe"
I was on vacation and missed this but think Charlotte is much better than wannabe! I love living here, Emom is right though, it is hot.
Looking forward to reading your Tribune piece. Congrats!
I think Oklahoma City should be described as generous