Things should seem a little upside-down and you would think that I would be repacking the things at the in-between house, but I’m not. It could be denial that I have to finish the second half of a quite unpleasant task or it could be the wine. Still, I am passing my time going through tear sheets culling inspiration for the “new” house. The house whose move’s only appeal is its past tense. The as-yet-unnamed house.
So while I look one more time for my evening shoes (they were here, I swear they were) we can consider Mica Ertegun’s Ellsworth Kelly (I do like Ellsworth Kelly) and sparkling silver (oh, I do like silver) and the William IV table. Yes, I have a thing for William IVs, too.
Image, House & Garden, March 1987 (Oh, March, 1987 I remember you well. My friend and I were skating through our last, light, semester in college with many big nights out on a small town. Even as I was gathering my rosebuds I wished I’d picked a few more. Fraught with manufactured stress I did not realize that that was the last of my freedom.) design by Mica Ertegun; photography Oberto Gili.

I like your passions. Tear sheets for inspiration–go for it.
So beautiful. Love this image. Thinking of you at this exciting time. A new adventure, a new house! So fun.
Back in the days when a million dollars still meant something, Ms. Ertegun was quoted as saying she could MAYBE do a house for that amount if the budget didn't have to accommodate the purchase of art.
You have to respect someone who knows their target market.
Great Post Mrs. Blandings. Hope your move into your new home is filled with grace & ease. xx
gosh, your 1987 tear sheets are a lot more sophisticated than mine- which consisted of Pierre Deux and MacKenzie Childs inspired houses. But then I was only in 8th grade circa 1987.
p.s. Thanks to you I'm totally bringing back 'evening shoes' to my vernacular.
Thank you for "Fraught with manufactured stress…." I wonder often how much of my current stress is manufactured.
Oh woe for our manufactured stress, but then we wouldn't have acquired our essential layers of defensive hide at such an early time in our lives, those layers came at a cost and we paid for each one, you may have your fabulous hide to thank for being able to manage and negotiate this insane move, out of a house you loved, suddenly it came, and quickly you shifted, at Thanksgiving/Christmas FGS, with a short spell in an interim house, in suitcases, dealing with realtors and lawyers, with 4 expectant males under the roof pulling at you, and a blog to write, and thank God gorgeous new shoes.
Thank you for this Mica image, one of the best of her work ever, I remember it so well, the photo was taken in her own house I believe, I'm now wondering if that photo may have birthed my manic acquisition of antique boxes. I am antique box/container crazy.
Take care.
Just looked over the new lonny! Loved the piece on you and your style! You have such a way with words.
I just saw two silver enamel bowls at Parrin and Co. last week. I can't get them out of my head.
I can't believe you have time to needlepoint.