I noticed a charming shot of Tilda Swinton on Facebook pre-Golden Globes and she was carrying this bag. Olympia Le-Tan recreated the Auntie Mame book cover specifically for the actor and stitched just at the bottom on the back is, “This Bag Belongs To: Tilda.” Not a diamond in sight and it is the purest luxury.

Love this! She is the paragon of style and – I'm probably in the minority – I adored what she wore at the GGs.
Also, POD, you have to see "I Am Love", if you have not yet. She (and the entire film) is gorgeous.
Btw, good on ya to catch that minaudière. completely missed.
I love the film and Aunt Mame's continually evolving interiors
Oh tilda always has such exquisite style! This bag just adds to the wonderfulness. x
Check out The Finishing School
One of my favorite movies!! ANother great stylish lady!
Sheer brilliance! Nice to know that someone is "Live! Live!" Living.