Hey, look what Tom Britt and his associate Valentino Samsonadze did with this house.
They decorated it. Sure, there is the influence of Brighton, references to Duquette and Groussay, but the result is a simply beautiful home.
Paint. Fabric. Interesting things. (Ok, and a whole lot of talent.) Find it in the May/June issue of Veranda (including the nine images I didn’t share.) You can find Britt’s decorating tips on Veranda’s site here.
All images Veranda, May/June 2012; photography Max Kim-Bee, Produced by Carolyn Englefield and Victoria Jones.

I love the lavish, yet still refined use of colour in this house. Beautiful.
LOVE the color! Is that a porch blue ceiling I see peeking out at the top of that gorgeous coral bedroom? Heavenly!
I'm speechless. Going out right now to get this issue. This is true design w/o a budget limitation. The colors, details, dressmaker perfection. Thanks for the heads up. Mary
The second photograph is very reminiscent of Nancy Lancaster's living room in the Dowager's Cottage (Litchfield?) – her last home. Very pretty!
Brilliant? Yup. Very.
i was very excited to read about this in the latest issue. some of his work here in KC is beyond fabulous and still stands 20 years later. makes you realize how ahead of the curve he has always been.
you should write his monograph.
Makes me want to sing "Party rock is in the house tonight" – I can imagine quite the rocking soiree there.