Sending out a quick heads up that Pear Tree in Crestwood has received their new shipment.
They always have beautiful things, but there are several painted pieces that caught my eye.
And pretty mirrors and sconces to finish out that almost-finished space before the holidays.
I’d recommend that you hurry.
Love Where You Live: At Home in the Country arrived about the time I was getting my house ready to be shot for Spaces Kansas City. While I loved the book at first sight, I was momentarily distracted by an uncontrollable mania to “finish up” some things around here.
Then, earlier this week, I received a lovely email from an old friend that, while completely unrelated, served as a mental nudge to revisit Joan Osofsky’s book. If you stop here to visit very often you know that I have an affinity for people who have emotional attachments to things.
Not things like BMWs and the recognizable jewel of the moment, but old things. Sometimes rusty things. Often not very expensive things.
So Osofsky, who owns Hammertown Barn, a handful of lifestyle stores in Hudson Valley and the Berkshires, struck a chord with her book of her customers’ homes which echo her aesthetic of cozy sophistication.
Her own houses open and close the book and it was the later (the last) that drew a sharp intake of breath and elicited the thought, “I want to live just like that.”
You can find Love Where You Live here and more about Osofsky and her shop and philosophy here.
All images courtesy of Rizzoli New York; photography John Gruen.
And as my new tag line is “If Someone Can Do It, I Can Do It” I’m wondering how difficult it would be to tile….something. An as yet undetermined something that needs some waking up. Some pep. Which could be me, I suppose, as I spent hours putting off the simple task of painting a dresser. Heaven knows I have parts that could use some clever covering up.
Do read the piece on Dubreuil here if you missed the New York Times on Sunday. Image, top, photography Martin Morrell; production Gay Gassmann. Center is, of course, Tom Scheerer again from his book Tom Scheerer Decorates; photography Francesco Lagnese. The image, last, is Michael S. Smith from his book Elements of Style, which originally appeared in Elle Decor; photography Henry Bourne.