Tag Archives: Antique Dealers

Magic Mirror

mccobb retro inferno


Would my hair be smoother? Would my eyes flash brighter? Would my cheeks flush deeper? My eyeliner would certainly have more of a lift. I really have no doubt that I would look better if my image were framed by this Paul McCobb Vanity Mirror.  Even with pots of color and innumerable potions strewn about its sleek top and filling its neat drawers, the start of the day or the start of a date would be made better by its very existence.

I featured Retro Inferno in one of my first posts.  You can still find their very swell stuff on their site, but now they are all fancy and on 1st Dibs here. Loads of good stuff – like the mirror above – in the store; if you’re in town, stop in.

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Old and Nu Together

Last week the youngest boys were away with their father and the oldest stayed here with me.  He is a senior in high school this year and our relationship is shifting.  He has been a breeze to raise.  Everyone should be so lucky to get such a gentle introduction to parenthood.  Even as we butt heads he disarms me with an easy humor that is somewhat irresistible.

The other morning as I was working upstairs, I heard the slam of the screen door and thought he had left the house.  I skipped down the stairs, brow furrowed, with sharp words forming.  Before I reached the door he was coming back in.

“I thought you left without saying goodbye,” I said.

He laughed and shook his head.  “Would you relax? You’re usually on the porch in the morning.  I wouldn’t leave without saying ‘good-bye.’ I’m going to work.”

He gave me a sideways hug, as he usually does, and was out the door.

Would I relax? No one is more bothered by my uptightness than I, and I was reminded again how I felt it drop away when I was in France.

If living there is something I must wait for, then I will find as many pieces of that life as I can here.  So lucky, then, to be friends with Trish Headley.  She’s just received her shipment from a three-week buying trip in Europe and let me run by her shop, Nufangle, and take a peek and live vicariously on the stories of her travels.

You can do the same at her open house:

45th & State Line Antique District
Saturday, August 2nd
2pm – 8pm
816-931-0021 for questions
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One Man’s Folly

I saw a friend Saturday, a handsome devil, and we reminisced about our first meeting.  It was at a lovely dinner for a dreary out-of-towner and he pulled up a piano bench by my chair and we were, instantly, friends.  A few months later I put him to my left at a dinner party at my house.  Late in the evening someone mentioned his birthday and I realized our age gap was greater than I had expected.
“I don’t know if I can be friends with someone ten years younger,” I told him.
“It’s too late,” came his quick reply.
Some connections are like that.  Love at first sight, even when the love is platonic.  Such was the case as I met Furlow Gatewood through the pages of his book. Mr. Gatewood lives as I aspire to live: sure of his taste, comfortable in his skin and with a steady flow of creativity.  
This connection is strengthened by Mr. Gatewood’s love of old things, worn rugs, quilts, Chinese porcelain and dogs. And, at home, he sits sideways in chairs, legs thrown over the arm as I do.  

The images in the book offer delight and inspiration, but it’s Mr. Gatewood’s devotion to his Americus, Georgia home, the tale of the moving of buildings and their restoration and decoration that is the real appeal.  That the story is told by Julia Reed is a wonderful bonus.
If you like anything here, if you ever feel we would be friends if circumstances allowed, you will surely like One Man’s Folly, The Exceptional Houses of Furlow Gatewood.  I know I’m hoping to someday have the opportunity to drag a piano bench closer to his chair and lean in.

All images from One Man’s Folly, The Exceptional Houses of Furlow Gatewood, courtesy of Rizzoli.  Photography by Rodney Collins and Paul Costello.
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Into the Fold

I met St. Louis antique dealer, Rick Ege, a few years ago while I was in Chicago.  He’s charming and his wares are terrific.  We are not friends, as we haven’t had enough opportunity to be, but we are friendly and are connected on Facebook.  
One day he loaded an image that included a Chinese rice server that I found irresistible.  Yellow!  Plums! Bats! What could be better?

“It’s been damaged on the inside and has had some repair,” he told me.  He was wary, perhaps that that sort of thing would matter.

I didn’t pause.  “Yes, well, haven’t we all? She’ll be in good company.  Wrap her up,” I replied.

She arrived by friendly transport last week.  She hasn’t missed a beat, just settled in among the rest of the rusted and the dinged.  She smiles at me from atop my mother’s desk in the kitchen and doesn’t mind a bit when I sing Zac Brown off key.

If you in St. Louis, do stop by and say “hello” to Rick.  If not, you can visit his site here or see him at the Chicago Botanical Antique Show from April 11 – 13.

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Out and About – Pear Tree

Sending out a quick heads up that Pear Tree in Crestwood has received their new shipment.

They always have beautiful things, but there are several painted pieces that caught my eye.

And pretty mirrors and sconces to finish out that almost-finished space before the holidays.

I’d recommend that you hurry.

Pear Tree Design & Antiques
313 E. 55th St.
Kansas City, MO

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