In the last ten days I’ve stepped, if not out of my comfort zone, a little out of my regular circle of friends. I like my friends, but it was a conscious shift. In doing so I’ve met a couple in their sixties who are hiking in Nepal in the next year, another couple who moved to town because they fell in love with a house and then let the rest of their lives fall in around it and yet another who is here for work, but plans to move when he retires in three years because they hate the weather. Where are they going? Back to Michigan, which should tell you something about our weather (especially of late.) An old friend and a new friend joined us for dinner last weekend and he told tales of spending time on his grandfather’s ranch in California as a boy. It is invigorating to put yourself someplace new.
Even better to put yourself someplace new and sunny. I’m headed to Los Angeles next week for Legends of La Cienega. Because it’s new. And sunny. And creative and fun and energizing. I’ll be hanging out with my friend Megan Arquette, who I rarely get to see in real life and taking in all the great events (which you can find and sign up for here.) My second largest geographical demographic of readers (horribly awkward phrasing – open to suggestions for revision) is in California, so if you see a middle-aged Midwesterner who you think might be me, it is. Say “hi.” Tell me your story. I’d love to hear it.