The Hon Lady Mosley, nee Hon Diana Mitford, with her husband Sir Oswald Mosley and their sons Max and Alexander. And her grotto chair.

OK, so here we go. The room, above, is from Regency Redux, but would you be surprised if I told you it was from World of Interiors last month? I don’t think so. Even in color this room holds its own.
This room by antiques dealer Andre Groult appears to have one of Michael Smith’s favorite fabrics applied to the walls. The X benches, of course, are an element that appear and re-appear. One of the things I had to edit around a bit in putting together the first post was art and flowers; they are dead give aways for dating a room.
Photo credits as follows: Ralph Dutton, RR; Andre Groult, RR: Hugh Chisholm, RR; Henri Jova, HG Complete Guide to Interior Decoration, 1960; Ruby Ross Wood, RR; T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, furniture & interiors of the 1940’s; HG Guide 1960; Billy Haines, RR; Govenor’s Palace, Williamsburg, HG, 1960; Smith, Houses; Smith, Houses, Andre Putman, HG Best in Decoration, 1987; Paul Dupre-Lafon, f&i of the 40’s; Smith, Houses; Smith, Houses; Chassy Rayner, RR; Jacque Grange, HG, Decoration 1987; Smith, Houses.
My big city friend emailed a couple of weeks ago and said, “You must address the taxidermy issue; it’s the elephant in the room.” or something like that. I was trying to keep away from all issues political, but this one has been bouncing around in my head and today I had to put it to rest.
But Courtney’s post on Sister Parish sent me back to Albert Hadley: The Story of America’s Preeminent Interior Designer today to catch up. Imagine my surprise to find a forgotten image of Wilbur Pippin, cat in hand, in the opening chapters.
And another, at Hadley’s country house on the Hudson River. I’ve looked as closely as I can and this one could be carved, but the antlers look very real. Could be skin.
I had a “work thing” last night. You have no idea the giddy thrill it gives me to say this to Mr. Blandings. “I’ll be out Wednesday. I have a thing for work.” In this particular setting people introduce me by saying, “She writes a column for Spaces.” or “She has a blog.” rather than, “She has three boys, Kindergarten, 3rd and 6th.” While the later is exponentially more significant, the former leads to better cocktail party talk.