This was actually the post I meant for yesterday; the Le Lac post was to be a little something, and then this. But I got carried away. Speaking of carried away…
This layout of Coco Chanel’s apartment is in the same issue of House and Garden, January of 1986. Chic and opulent, it is a stand out against the deco design craze of her day.
I love how the rooms are a symphony of the same tone. Taupe, carmel, honey. She called these earth colors. I always think I want that and end up with a house that looks like a handful of M&M’s.

The author, Edmonde Charles-Roux, quotes Chanel in the article as saying she hates women who collect things. Yet she had a number of lions in her home, an homage to her astrological sign. And a good one, I might add.
In adddition, the author notes she considered corn her luck charm and he references these book bindings. I don’t want to quibble with Chanel, but as a mid west girl, this looks like wheat to me.
There are many brass objects scattered about, although Mme. Chanel reportedly hated “dust catchers.” This one contains a crystal from one of her fabulous chandeliers; it fell off one evening while Givenchy was in the drawing room. He placed the crystal in the frog’s mouth. It was never removed.