My plate is full to overflowing and when that happens my thought process, which is not all that linear to begin with, starts to pop like corn. It’s a sort of crazy connect the dots, though the end product looks more
hypotrochoid than picture. Unfortunately, those symmetric lines and loops are a little harder to translate into words. So, this draft has sat, unattended, for the last three days. I plan to give it a go and if it seems a jumble forgive me; my life is currently a jumble.
As a lover of needlework I fell right into
Olympia Le-Tan’s clutches in
World of Interiors. Combined here is a passion for creation and stitching with a love of first edition books. How could she go wrong? Handiwork of nearly every kind appeals to me because of the work itself – the time devoted, the process – and the role of the stitcher. It has largely been women’s work and past-time and hobby and it is interesting to see the craft translated from busy-ness to business. And art.

Oddly, at the time I received the issue I’d been trolling the pages of old HGs with the same sort of nostalgia most people feel flipping through their childhood photo albums. Open on my desk was a story of a home decorated by Pierre Le-Tan (Olympia’s father) from April of 2003. The living room is still remarkable fresh, though that was not the page that stared back at me just inches from my right elbow for over a week.

I had meant then, and still intend, to research
Line Vautrin who created these fanciful bronze boxes, right and bottom (the painting on ivory is by Le-Tan.) I did hit Vautrin’s site and expected to cull images and information, but at a time when I am winnowing my list to things that must be done it just seemed that I could point you there from here.
As near as I can tell, it takes about a minute and a half to read one of these posts, and I can’t suppose the lack of them makes all that much difference, but things may be a bit spotty over the next couple of weeks. I just wanted to let you know and hope that you will, please, stand by.
Images from top, World of Interiors, October 2010, photography by Bruno Suet; next and bottom, House and Garden, April 2003, photography by Francois Halard.